Give to the Sanctuary Project

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Thank you for considering a gift in support of the Sanctuary Project. We invite you to make a general donation towards the sanctuary renovation using the form below. We are also accepting gifts for Pews ($1,120/each) and Choir Loft Chairs ($280/each). If desired, gifts for pews and chairs may be made “In Honor of” or “In Memory of” a loved one by including the information in the text box below.


Thank you for considering a gift in support of the Sanctuary Project. We invite you to make a general donation towards the sanctuary renovation using the form below. We are also accepting gifts for Pews ($1,120/each) and Choir Loft Chairs ($280/each). If desired, gifts for pews and chairs may be made “In Honor of” or “In Memory of” a loved one by including the information in the text box below.

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