Each day is an opportunity to grow in our relationship with God. Our faith journey is a walk where we commit to following Jesus closely through worship, prayer and spiritual disciplines (practices). Our relationship with God is deeply personal, but it's also communal. We worship with our lives, and we also worship together on the weekends. We pray personally, but there is also great power in praying together. When we walk closely with God throughout our faith journey, evidence of life transformation is noticeable to us and others.


You’re invited to worship with this “front porch” community of believers at the Church at Woodforest. We love to share our uplifting worship music and engaging Bible teaching with families and individuals of all ages. Join us on Sunday morning and be inspired for the rest of your week... Learn more →

Sundays at 9:30 and 11:15 a.m.

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Spiritual Practices

The call to follow Jesus is the same invitation that each of us have received. Walking with God means that we commit ourselves to following closely through worship, prayer and personal spiritual practices and, as we do, our transformation becomes evident to those around us.


One of the most effective ways to tell someone about the love of Jesus Christ is to simply tell our story. We are a people who learn best from the stories of others. Our authenticity helps someone else know that they are not alone in their struggles and that there is hope and life in following Jesus. Everyone has a story – share yours.

Tithes and Offering


The call to follow Jesus is the same invitation that each of us have received. Walking with God means that we commit ourselves to following closely through worship, prayer and personal spiritual practices and, as we do, our transformation becomes evident to those around us.

Request Prayer